Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gobind Singh Deo Suspended for 1 years ?

Gobind Singh Deo MP Puchong
Usul yang akan dibawa ke parlimen Isnin ini adalah untuk mengantung Ahli Parlimen Puchong Gobind Singh Deo Selama 12 bulan tanpa gaji.


1. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri akan mencadangkan:
BAHAWA pada 12 Mac 2009, Yang Berhormat Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Ahli Parlimen kawasan Puchong semasa perbahasan peringkat Jawatankuasa Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan Tambahan (2009) 2009 telah mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang mendakwa YAB. Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Pekan terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan.

BAHAWA Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Puchong juga telah mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang menghina Timbalan Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat setelah diperintah keluar Dewan.

DAN BAHAWA kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Puchong adalah merupakan satu dakwaan yang sangat serius dan menyalahi hak dan keistimewaan sebagai Ahli Parlimen serta merupakan satu penghinaan kepada Dewan ini.

MAKA INILAH DIPERSETUJUI BAHAWA Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Puchong hendaklah digantung tugas dari jawatannya sebagai Ahli Parlimen selama dua belas (12) bulan dari tarikh keputusan usul ini diluluskan. Dalam masa penggantungan ini Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Puchong tidak akan dibayar kesemua bayaran elaun dan kemudahan sebagai seorang Ahli Parlimen.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tourism Minister Azalina Othman Office Raided by MACC !!

Tourism Minister Datuk Azalina Otman

Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission visited the office of Tourism Minister Azalina Othman this morning , where they spent three hours and took away some files. This comes after the arrest of her political secretary recently by the MACC . where he was found with RM75,000 on him !! . Azalina was reportedly not in the office at that time .The visit and the arrest of her aide at the last lap of the Umno polls is likely to have big impact on her contest.This will be the issue in umno assembly. The political damage is Huge even though her office has issued a statement, saying they would cooperate with the MACC.Some say ,her political enemy did this .Azalina the former Puteri UMNO Chief is seeking a supreme council seat this tyme.

Kurup Kekal MP Pensiangan

Kekal MP Pensiangan Tan Sri Joseph Kurup

Tan Sri Joseph Kurup kekal sebagai ahli Parlimen Pensiangan selepas Mahkamah Persekutuan membatalkan keputusan Mahkamah Pilihanraya September lalu mengisytiharkan keputusan pilihanraya bagi kerusi tersebut batal dan tidak sah.
Bagaimanapun, pindaan pada undang-undang pilihanraya membolehkan Kurup - timbalan menteri kemajuan luar bandar dan wilayah - yang juga timbalan mengemukakan rayuan di Mahkamah Persekutuan.Petisyen itu difail oleh calon PKR, Danny Anthony Andipai, yang juga calon bagi kerusi tersebut.Beliau menamakan Kurup, pegawai pengurus pilihanraya Bubudan OT Majalu dan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) sebagai responden.Kurup menang tanpa bertanding pada hari penamaan calon pada 24 Februari tahun lalu apabila keras pencalonan Andipai ditolak kerana diserahkan selepas jam 10 pagi (masa tamat penyerahan borang).
Dalam satu kes lain, Mahkamah Persekutuan menolak rayuan seorang pengundi bagi membatalkan keputusan Mahkamah Pilihanraya yang mengetepikan petisyennya encabar kemenangan calon Barisan Nasional, Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Sabah bagi kawasan Api-Api dalam pilihanraya umum 8 Mac ahun lalu.
Dr Yee, yang merupakan Menteri Pembangunan Sumber Sabah dan Timbalan residen Parti Bersatu Sabah, menewaskan calon Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Christina iew, dengan kelebihan 174 undi.
Petisyen itu difailkan oleh Audrey Karen Barry yang mendakwa wujud unsur asuah atau ugutan am oleh Dr Yee atau ejen-ejen beliau, termasuk mencetak dan enyebarkan risalah mengandungi kenyataan palsu dan hasutan.
Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Abdul Rahman mengumumkan kedua-dua keputusan itu.
Pada 12 Februari lepas, panel Mahkamah Persekutuan terdiri Nik Hashim, Tan Sri lauddin Mohd Sheriff dan Datuk Arifin Zakaria, mendengar penghujahan daripada edua-dua pihak dan menangguhkan sehingga hari ini untuk mengumumkan keputusan

Jadi tiada Pilihanraya kecil Pensiangan yang ditunggu - tunggu oleh ramai pemerhati politik ..Taniah Kepada Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, teruskan Perjuangan.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

MP Ranau Diarah Keluar Dewan !

YB Datuk Siringan Gubat MP Ranau

Seorang ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional diarah meninggalkan persidangan Dewan Rakyat hari ini kerana beliau menyebut perkataan `ngam' (betul/setuju). Dan Datuk Siringan Gubat (BN-Ranau) juga menjadi ahli Parlimen kerajaan pertama yang diarahmeninggalkan persidangan sejak Dewan Rakyat mula bersidang April tahun lalu.Arahan meninggalkan Dewan dibuat apabila Siringan menyebut "ngam" sebagai tanda bersetuju selepas spekar Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia memberi amaran akan serta-merta mengarahkan mana-mana ahli Parlimen yang mengeluarkan hujah yang melanggar peraturan mesyuarat untuk keluar Dewan. Pandikar Amin ketika itu sedang menasihatkan ahli Dewan supaya tidak mengeluarkan hujah yang boleh mengundang reaksi negatif semasa sesi soal jawab, lapor Bernama."Lain kali saya tegaskan di sini saya tidak bagi warning (amaran) lagi, satu, dua atau tiga siapa yang mengeluarkan hujah yang melanggar peraturan mesyuarat terus lantas saya akan arah untuk keluar," kata Pandikar Amin. Siringan terus mencelah, "ngam Yang Dipertua, ngam" tanpa berdiri dan memohon untuk bercakap. Pandikar Amin terus mengarahkan Siringan keluar Dewan selama tiga jam dan diizinkan masuk semula selepas rehat makan tengah hari jam 2.30 petang.Insiden itu bermula ketika Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa (PAS-Parit Buntar) bertanyakan tindakan kerajaan bagi menghukum mana-mana parti politik yang mengucapkan perkataan yang berbaur perkauman dalam soalan tambahannya untuk dijawab Timbalan Menteri Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Teng Boon Soon, telah menimbulkan sedikit kekecohan di dalam Dewan.Ketika Dr Mujahid sedang menghabiskan soalannya, beliau terdengar seseorang menyebut perkataan "bodoh" yang ditujukan kepadanya.Beliau kemudiannya menjerit "Kalau jantan, berdiri sekarang".Sementara itu, ketika ditemui di lobi Parlimen sejurus selepas Pandikar Amin mengarahnya keluar Dewan, Siringan berkata beliau tidak berkecil hati dan marah atas tindakan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat itu."Tidak.. (kecewa) tidak (kecil hati), tidak marah atau terluka di hati...perkara seperti ini selalu berlaku di dewan, saya tidak memikirkannya."Ketika Yang Dipertua memperjelaskan sesuatu, saya hanya menyebut 'ngam'...ngam bermaksud 'betul' dalam dialek tempatan di Sabah. Beliau (Pandikar Amin) menerima permohonan maaf saya," katanya.

Video Klip

Apa yang menarik perhatian saya ialah sikap Gentleman MP ranau yang tidak mempunyai perasaan kecil hati malah sanggup memohon maaf kepada Speaker...
Syabas kepada Datuk Siringan Gubat . Adakah ini titik titik permulaan Mp dari sabah akan mengegarkan dewan Parlimen ?? Kita tuggu dan lihat.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sandakan Death March
To protect the oilfields that they had captured on Borneo, the Japanese Imperial Army decided to build a military airfield at the port of Sandakan using forced prisoner of war labour. Fifteen hundred prisoners, mostly Australians who had surrendered to the Japanese at Singapore, arrived at Sandakan on 18 July 1942. The accommodation for the prisoners was appalling. Their water was drawn from a filthy creek, and their food was mostly a very small quantity of vegetables and a couple of handfuls of dirty rice each day.

Initially, security at the Sandakan camp was lax and several prisoners escaped into the jungle in September 1942. All of the prisoners who had remained in the camp were punished for the escapes by denial of food for a week. Camp security and punishments were then toughened. The Japanese Army guards routinely shot any prisoner who attempted to escape or was recaptured. Minor infringements, such as collecting a coconut to supplement the starvation diet while on a working party, or failing to bow deeply enough to a camp guard, were punished by severe beatings or locking the offending prisoners in cramped, open cages in the hot sun. The number of days spent in the cages was related to the gravity of the "offence". Exercise for the caged "offenders" comprised being taken out of the cage and beaten up by the guards, and then being returned to the cage.

A prisoner suspected of building or operating a makeshift radio or smuggling medicine into the camp could find himself in the hands of the greatly feared Kempei Tai, a Japanese military secret police unit that employed beatings and torture to extract confessions. Torture methods included burning flesh with lighted cigarettes, driving metal tacks under the nails of a prisoner, and forcing water down a prisoners throat until his stomach was distended. The Kempei Tai torturers would then stamp on the unfortunate prisoner's distended stomach. See Lord Russell's "Knights of Bushido" at pages 195-198.*

The arduous labour on the airstrip and seriously inadequate diet soon undermined the health of the prisoners. Most of the Australian prisoners became horribly emaciated from starvation, and many exhibited the bloated stomach associated with beriberi (a vitamin deficiency). During selection parades for working parties, the Japanese guards refused to accept the opinions of prisoner medical officers but would test for the presence of tropical ulcers by kicking at the bandaged leg of a prisoner. A plea to the Japanese for increased and better quality food rations by prisoner medical officers was dismissed by the Japanese commander who made clear his deep contempt for combatants who surrendered.

In early 1943, more prisoners of war arrived at Sandakan to work on the airstrip. These were mainly British.
As progress on the construction of the airfield slowed because of the increasing sickness and debility of the prisoner/labourers, the Japanese responded by increasing their brutality but not the meagre rations. To force the prisoners to work harder, the Japanese brought in a gang of tough older army guards who soon became known to the prisoners as "The Bashers". These guards always carried wooden pick handles or bamboo canes and appeared to take great pleasure in beating the prisoners whenever the whim took them. "The Bashers" often left their victims unconscious, or with broken arms or legs. Jim Milner led a work party of Australian prisoners working on the airstrip, and he was bashed by the guards on many occasions. He recalls:
"We had to bow to all the Japanese officers, which was very degrading. And any Japanese, no matter what his rank, could bash you if he felt like it, and they used to take great delight in it."
From "Horror in the East" by Laurence Rees, published by the BBC (2001) at p. 84.
In August 1943, with the apparent intention of facilitating control of the enlisted men by depriving them of their leaders, most of the officer prisoners were moved from Sandakan to Kuching on the western side of Borneo. After the officers were taken away, conditions for the 2,500 enlisted prisoners at Sandakan deteriorated sharply. Starvation level rations were further reduced, and even the sick prisoners were forced to work on the airstrip. By the middle of 1944, Allied advances were posing a threat to Japanese control of Borneo, and additional Japanese troops began arriving in northern Borneo to defend the vital oilfields. With additional Japanese mouths to feed, rations for the prisoners were cut again. The Japanese area commanders were aware that they were starving the prisoners of war but took the view that weak and sick prisoners would be no threat to them if Allied forces landed to liberate northern Borneo. The deliberate starving of prisoners, together with the heavy labour and beatings, caused the death rate to soar.

By the beginning of 1945, only 1,900 prisoners were left alive at Sandakan. Allied bombing had rendered the airstrip unusable, and the prisoners were of no further use to the Japanese as forced labour. With Allied landings on Borneo anticipated at any moment, the Japanese decided to prevent the prisoners being liberated by working them to death, starving them, or murdering them in cold blood. Knowledge that they were losing the war caused the Japanese prison guards to intensify their brutality towards the prisoners.

In late January 1945, the Japanese paraded the Australian prisoners to select porters for two of their battalions being relocated from Sandakan to the western coast of northern Borneo. Only 470 prisoners could be found who were thought to be fit enough to carry baggage and supplies. This was to be the first of the Sandakan Death Marches, and would require a 120 mile (192 kilometre) trek by the Japanese troops and their forced prisoner of war labour through marshland, dense jungle, and then up the eastern slope of Mount Kimabula. The journey would have tried severely the endurance of fit soldiers let alone weak, sick, and starving prisoners burdened with heavy loads. The Japanese guards were under instructions to kill any prisoners who collapsed or were too weak to continue the march, and they did so.
The trek was so arduous that even the Japanese found it exhausting, and they called a halt at the town of Ranau which is 100 miles (160 Kilometres) from Sandakan. Only 190 of the Australian prisoners had survived the first death march. The bodies of the rest lay scattered along the track where they had collapsed and been murdered by their Japanese guards. Although the surviving prisoners were all sick, weak, and exhausted from the trek, the Japanese immediately set them to work building huts for the Japanese and a temporary camp for themselves on the outskirts of Ranau. Some of the exhausted prisoners were forced to carry heavy loads from the centre of Ranau to the camp. Some were forced to carry heavy barrels of water up a hill to the makeshift camp from a nearby stream. The prisoners' food ration was cut to only four ounces (100 grams) of rice a day.

The Japanese undertook a second death march on 29 May 1945 with 536 prisoners who could still stand on their feet. The Sandakan camp commander, Captain Takakura, assembled these prisoners outside the gate and then they set off towards Ranau in groups of about fifty with Japanese guards at the front, rear and sides of each group. The Japanese guards had been ordered to kill instantly any prisoner who collapsed from exhaustion or tried to escape. The main camp was set on fire behind them to destroy any evidence of its existence.

The second Sandakan Death March lasted for twenty-six days. Only 183 prisoners reached Ranau. The remaining 353 prisoners had either died on the march from a combination of starvation, sickness and exhaustion, or were killed by the Japanese guards because they were too weak to continue the trek. On their arrival at Ranau on 24 June 1945, the participants in the second death march found that only six prisoners from the 470 who had left Sandakan in January were still alive. Although weak and exhausted, the survivors of the second death march were then put to hard labour and the death toll soared.
About two hundred and fifty prisoners were left behind at Sandakan after the departure of the participants in the second death march. These prisoners were so ill that the Japanese initially intended to leave them at Sandakan to die of starvation. However, they decided to send another group of seventy-five on a third death march on 9 June 1945. This group was so weak and sick that none survived beyond 30 miles (50 kilometres). When each man collapsed, he was instantly killed by a Japanese guard. Of those seriously ill prisoners who were left at Sandakan, all were either murdered by the Japanese guards or died from starvation and sickness before the Japanese surrender on 15 August 1945.
As a result of brutal treatment and a starvation diet, there were only thirty-eight prisoners left alive at Ranau on 1 August. They were too sick and feeble to work, and the senior Japanese officer at Ranau ordered that these survivors of the death marches be shot. This order was carried out.

At the time of the Japanese surrender on 15 August 1945, only six prisoners had survived the horrors of the Sandakan prisoner of war camp and the Sandakan Death Marches. They had escaped into the jungle either during the death marches or at Ranau. 2,390 prisoners from the Sandakan camp had been murdered by the Japanese in cold blood or by starvation, sickness, and overwork.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Huge 60 Billion 2nd Economic Stimulation Budget

YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

This afternoon, around 4pm, I've got the chance to spent my time as I followed up the presentation of Economic Stimulation Package by our YAB Vice Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

An enormous package that exceeds the expectations of most people.

RM60 billion of our money!! And guess what, the RM29 billion is for “assisting the private sector”? Huh? What is that suppose to mean?

Of course, there's many youngster could put a smile on their faces, many job opportunities awaits them. All contractors would be delighted, happy with so many projects that awaits them to accept in their own hands.
Construction material sellers would be laughing their heads off because they had the chance to monopoly all the materials; that causes them to have the ability to straight away buy aN S.U.V or may be "the taste of Malaysian"; Mercz, Ninja King, etc.
Our nationality cars such as Proton, Kancil with subsdy of 5k will be saleable again to clear out all old cars as what have been announced by Najib earlier this evening.

The RM60 billion package comprises of:-

RM15 billion in fiscal injection (RM10 billion in 2009 and RM5 billion in 2010). Fiscal deficit expected to rise to 7.6 percent in 2009

RM25 billion in guarantee funds (RM5 billion for SME Working Capital Fund, another RM5 billion for Industry Restructuring Fund and the rest? Where to?)

RM10 billion in equity investment (For who? For Khazanah?)

RM7 billion for private finance initiative and off-budget projects (Where is this “private finance” comes from? Not out of the EPF, I hope.)

RM3 billion in tax initiatives

The RM60 billion will be spent under four key “thrusts”

Reducing unemployment/increasing employment (bloating up the civil services?): RM2 billion

Easing burden of the people, the society: RM10 billion (including RM8.4 billion projects under the Ninth Malaysia Plan to be accelerated). The government will also borrow RM5 billion from the people by issuing “savings bonds”

Assisting private sector: RM29 billion (RM5 billion for SME Working Capital, RM5 billion for Industry Restructuring Fund and where's the rest?)

Building capacity for the future: RM19 billion (Khazanah investment funds to be increased by RM10 billion, RM3 billion of which will go to telecommunications and RM1.7 billion for the Iskandar region in Johor. Taking up the slack of foreign investors?)

To which that I'm worrying about is..

1. Can we afford to spend so much of money?
2. If it does not work out as what have been planned, can our country recover after spending such a Boom Huge amount of money after 2010?
3. Will the delivery system well organized and is it efficient to save our economy?

4. How about the implementation? Remember that the failure to implement will be a down fall of this policy.

5. Where and how did they manage to find that huge figure amount of money? From rain drops?

6. Bare in mind, the economy may stay down for a longer period than if it was the usual V-shape slowdown.

7. Even for 1 billion that had been announced by our Prime Minister for Sabah, they only had given us 300m, what's more if they ask for 60 billion just for the country? Is that fair? Is that worth of something? Or they just forget that they still "owe" us 700m more. I bet they forgot about it.

Well, what ever it is, I hope that the new budget will have a lot of benifits to all the Malaysian.
Thank you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Part 3

Dr Mahathir

During the 1963 general election, Dr Mahathir was nominated as Barisan Nasional's candidate for a parlimentary seat in Kota Setar Selatan. After the votes were counted, it was the evidence that the voters of Kota Setar Selatan remembers the devotions and services that Dr Mahathir had given to his people. He won with a large majority. He celebrated his victory together with his voters by going around in his constituency in a beautiful decorated lorry to thank his supporters personally. Now, Dr Mahathir had the opportunity to voice out the difficulties of his people in the right forum.

Dr mahathir and Dr Siti Hasmah

In 1964, he represents Malaysia for the world assembly of youth conference in Amherst, Massachusetts. He was elected as the Chariman of the Afro-Asian people's Solidarity organisation's commitee (AAPSO) for Malaysia. At the same year, Dr Mahathir was elected as UMNO's Supreme Council member. His way of not minding his words and kept voicing out his ideas to improve the well-being of bumiputra won him many personal supporters. Many foreign observers predicted that Dr Mahathir would one day play a major role of affairs for his country. Unfortunately, Dr Mahathir lost his seat in 1969 general election to PAS candidate.

After the May 13th, 1969 black incident, Dr Mahathir then write a letter of criticism to Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman. The letter was circulated widely. Tunku have brought the issue to superme council meeting. The UMNO Supreme Council had to choose between him and Dr Mahathir. "Make your choice!! This party is just not big enough for the two of us!!" On September 26th, 1969, Dr Mahathir was expelled from UMNO. He accepted the failure as how he accepted his success. He went back to his medical pratice. He then continue to served for his people and he believed in himself and waited for an opportunity to try again.

Dr Mahathir resign as UMNO President

When Tun Abdul Razak replaced Tunku Abdul Rahman as Prime Minister on September 22nd, 1970, the efforts to bring back Dr Mahathir were made. Although Dr Mahathir wanted to get back into UMNO, there were some supreme council member who opposed Dr Mahathir's return to UMNO. On March 7th, 1972, Tun Dr Ismail (UMNO deputy president) accepted Dr Mahathir application to be a member of UMNO. Not long later Dr Mahathir was elected as UMNO supreme council member again. At the same year, he was appointed to the Higher Education Advisory Council. In 1973, he was nominated as Senator Ahli Dewan Negara. Later, he became Chairman of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia council. In 1974's general election, he won unopposed as the Member of Parliment for Kubang Pasu. This followed by appointment as Minister of Education on September 6th, 1974. DR MAHATHIR WAS THE FIRST MP TO BE APPOINTED A FULL MINISTER WITHOUT HOLDING THE POST OF DEPUTY MINISTER.

Tun Hussien Onn

On January 14th, 1976, Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak passed away while being treated in London. He was succeeded by Tun Hussein Onn. Among the three potential candidates for the deputy prime minister post, Dr Mahathir was the most junior and had the smallest number of votes. He was shocked and pleasantly supprised when he was appointed for the post Deputy Prime Minister on March 5th, 1976. Because at that period, Tun Hussien Onn was not really in a good relationship with him, Dr Mahathir did not realise that Tun Abdul Razak admired his abilities and used to praised him when he was with Tun Hussein Onn..

To be continue....